Warn: This is unsupported functionality. The export method described is not intended to manage policy, but rather to seed policy in an organization for a test IQ Server.
How to Export Policy from IQ Server
The steps below detail how to export policy from the Nexus IQ server.
In a terminal, issue the following command:
curl -u username:password -o policy.json http://<iq-server-url>/rest/policy/organization/ROOT_ORGANIZATION_ID/export
username and password are the credentials used to log into the IQ server.
policy.json is the file name to write the response into
This will will produce a policy.json file in your current working directory. This file can be imported via the IQ Server using actions drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of the Root Organization view.
Warn: When importing a new policy, all trending information associated to that organization or application(s) will be lost. This method is not intended to manage policy, but rather to seed policy in an organization.
The "/rest/" endpoints are used by the UI and we may change them to support the needs of the UI. The officially supported API is at "/api/v2/" and is documented in the IQ Server Help.