Given you only have a native blobstore blob ID value, you can programatically determine where this blob will end up in the native blobstore of Nexus Repository 3.
The logic to generate the path, excluding the file extension, inside a native blobstore is isolated to one class file:
/* * Sonatype Nexus (TM) Open Source Version * Copyright (c) 2008-present Sonatype, Inc. * All rights reserved. Includes the third-party code listed at * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0, * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * * Sonatype Nexus (TM) Professional Version is available from Sonatype, Inc. "Sonatype" and "Sonatype Nexus" are trademarks * of Sonatype, Inc. Apache Maven is a trademark of the Apache Software Foundation. M2eclipse is a trademark of the * Eclipse Foundation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. */ package; import; import static; /** * Stores blobs in a two-deep directory tree. * * The first layer, {@code vol}, having {@link #TIER_1_MODULO} directories, * and the second {@code chap} having {@link #TIER_2_MODULO}. * * @since 3.0 */ public class VolumeChapterLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategySupport { private static final int TIER_1_MODULO = 43; private static final int TIER_2_MODULO = 47; @Override public String location(final BlobId blobId) { checkNotNull(blobId); return String.format("vol-%02d/chap-%02d/%s", tier(blobId, TIER_1_MODULO), tier(blobId, TIER_2_MODULO), escapeFilename(blobId.asUniqueString()) ); } private int tier(final BlobId blobId, final int modulo) { return Math.abs(blobId.hashCode() % modulo) + 1; } }
Sample Bash/Groovy Script
Here is a sample Bash script invoking Java(Groovy) code that can convert Blob ID into a Blob Store Blob Paths:
#!/bin/bash # input NXRM blob ID, output blobstore two deep dir, blob path location in the blobstore # When viewing the asset in the UI, you may see a Blob reference of this form: # npmjs@261713CC-58FF7EA7-0A42ABB7-153BCDD2-6528D0EE:c3b7d5e2-1d51-450f-aa5e-319cada6d973 # # When querying an <format>_asset_blob table in PostgreSQl, there is a blob_ref column with the values reversed as: # npmjs:c3b7d5e2-1d51-450f-aa5e-319cada6d973@261713CC-58FF7EA7-0A42ABB7-153BCDD2-6528D0EE # # Feed into this script the value after the colon ":" which is c3b7d5e2-1d51-450f-aa5e-319cada6d973 # The value after the colon is the Blob ID. # result from # > toblobstorelocationfromblobuuid.bash c3b7d5e2-1d51-450f-aa5e-319cada6d973 # is # hashCode=1682551340,tier1=41,tier2=33 # vol-41/chap-33/c3b7d5e2-1d51-450f-aa5e-319cada6d973.bytes # vol-41/chap-33/ # logic here replicates that in groovy -e "new GroovyShell().evaluate(" <<EOF def hc = '${1}'.hashCode() def t1 = Math.abs(hc % 43) + 1 def t2 = Math.abs(hc % 47) + 1 println 'hashCode=' + hc + ',tier1=' + t1 + ',tier2=' + t2 def p = String.format('vol-%02d/chap-%02d/%s', t1, t2, '${1}') println p + '.bytes' println p + '.properties' EOF