In a Windows environment, Visual Studio will not allow the IQ plugin or package manager to connect to a Nexus nuget repository or IQ instance via HTTPS if it is using a self-signed cert.
- From a browser (Edge), navigate to the Nexus UI.
- Click on "Not secure" to the left of the URL.
- Click on "Your connection to this site isn't secure".
- Click on the "Show certificate" button to the left of the X.
- Click on the Details tab.
- Click on the Export button at the bottom of the window.
- Save as PKCS #7 single certificate named eg. "mycert".
- Open the "Manage user certificates" control panel (certmgr)
- Select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"
- Right-click "Certificates" -> All Tasks -> Import
- Browse to location of "mycert" (will need to select file type "PKCS #7 Certificates *.spc *.p7b")
- Next, next, next...Import should succeed
Both web browsers and Visual Studio should now trust the cert.