When Nexus Repository 2 is integrated with Nexus Lifecycle features, a unique id is used to identify your Nexus Repository 2 instance.
You may be asked for this Nexus Repository ID from Sonatype Support staff in case you are experiencing problems with Lifecycle Integrations.
Nexus Repository 2
Refer to the screenshots to find out where this ID value is visible in the Nexus Pro user interface (note: In some versions this plugin is called the "Nexus Health Check (Pro) Plugin" or "Nexus IQ Plugin"):
Nexus Repository 2 OSS
Nexus OSS requires a more involved process to find the ID.
1) Edit sonatype-work/nexus/conf/logback-nexus.xml
and add the following line after the other loggers:
<logger name="com.sonatype.nexus.plugins.healthcheck.service" level="DEBUG" />
2) After the change takes effect ( 60 seconds ), and an analysis is performed on a repository, look for lines like the following:
2013-07-05 09:48:03 DEBUG [pxpool-1-thread-1] admin com.sonatype.nexus.plugins.healthcheck.service.impl.InsightServiceImpl - Calling into server (https://rhc.sonatype.com/rest/rhc/scan/2425fdaabcb641068bd0f69466712345/central?timestamp=2013-07-05_12:48:03) with PUT
The 2425fdaabcb641068bd0f69466712345 is the Nexus ID in this case.