Visit for documentation on Nexus Repository version 2.
Any Maven 2 proxy repository with a remote URL that includes the domain name should be removed from your Nexus Repository instance.
- has been effectively shut down as an artifact repository
- proxying any artifacts from that domain since the repository was shut down has become no longer valid
- any proxy repository which references should be deleted or disabled.
As of Nexus Repository 2.12, we no longer ship with a proxy repository to
Example (may be incomplete ) remote URLS which are no longer valid include:
Recommended Actions in Priority Order
If the Auto Blocking feature is enabled Nexus may have automatically blocked your codehaus proxy, however this is not adequate protection. At a minimum, manually block the repository before deleting it.
Sonatype Nexus Repository 2.x:
- For each repository, edit the Configuration
- Change Automatically Block to False; Save
- Immediately right-click the repository in the repositories list and choose Block proxy
- This manually blocks the proxy and now will no longer keep trying to unblock these invalid repositories
Sonatype Nexus Repository 3.x:
- Select the proxy repository in the UI Repositories list
- On the Settings tab, check the Block outbound connections on the repository checkbox
- Save the settings
Remove the codehaus proxy repositories from any Repository Groups.
Delete a Codehaus proxy repository, use the Delete button after selecting each repository in the repositories list.
If your codehaus proxy repositories contain RELEASE artifacts that older internal builds may depend on, you should source these from some other place ( ie. Central). If you have a SNAPSHOT codehaus repository, we recommend deleting it as SNAPSHOTs will never be published at that domain again.