Nexus Repository 2 officially sunsetted June 30, 2025. Visit for archived documentation. Migrate to Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 as soon as possible.
What are the differences and similarities between Nexus Repository 2 Pro Trial and Nexus Repository 2 Professional?
The Nexus Repository 2 Professional Trial edition is intended to quickly introduce a new user to Nexus Repository 2 Professional features and demonstrate value with limited overhead and learning curve.
The trial edition is not recommended as a long-term option. If you decide to purchase a Nexus Repository 2 Professional license, we suggest migrating or replacing your trial configuration with Nexus Repository 2 Professional full edition.
A trial license will work and can be requested from all Nexus Repository 2 Professional editions, should you wish to evaluate with the full version instead of the trial edition.
Nexus Repository 2 Professional full edition includes all supported features out of the box. Nexus Repository 2 Professional Trial edition may include only a subset of these features.
The trial edition helps avoid:
- installing additional software, like a Java Virtual Machine, before running Nexus Repository 2
- provisioning a server machine to host Nexus just to try it out
- using unfamiliar command line tools to control Nexus Repository 2
- pre-configuring Nexus Repository 2 settings to try important Pro features
- creating a specific operating system user to run Nexus Repository 2
The trial edition includes:
- an easy UI wizard-based install process
- preconfigured repository configuration and settings which simplify trying key features
- a feature walkthrough guide with working example projects
- some resource intensive features removed
- a Java runtime that can be used if one is not currently installed
The trial edition is packaged as a platform-specific installer executable. It uses Install4j process management, not Java Service Wrapper. Other noticeable differences from the full edition are:
- log file locations and rotation settings
- how properties to the JVM are adjusted
- how Nexus Repository 2 is started and stopped