Nexus Repository 2 officially sunsetted June 30, 2025. Visit for archived documentation. Migrate to Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 as soon as possible.
The nexus-pro-trial-installer creates an uninstall
program which should be used.
If passed the -c
argument, the uninstaller will enter console mode. Example:
[plynch@centos664]$ /home/plynch/nexus-pro-trial-2.9.1-02/bin/uninstall -c Are you sure you want to completely remove Sonatype Nexus Pro Trial and all of its components? Yes [y, Enter], No [n] y Do you want to delete the Nexus working data? Would you like to delete the Nexus working data? Any configuration, artifacts or other Nexus application data will be removed. Yes, delete the Nexus working data? Yes [y], No [n, Enter] n Stopping Services Uninstalling Sonatype Nexus Pro Trial 2.9.1-02 ... Deleting Nexus evaluation guide directory This may take some time, please wait ... Deleting installation directory This may take some time, please wait ... The following files and directories could not be deleted: /home/plynch/.nexus-pro-trial/conf
The installer is built with install4j. The executables have other command line options you may find helpful