You may require nexus-staging-maven-plugin deployment of your release artifacts, but may not be in a position to modify your existing POM files. This article describes what is needed to achieve this.
First, make sure your projects use a release version, and not a SNAPSHOT version. Then deploy your project artifacts to a local deployment directory. For example:
mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=foo::default::file:///my/deployed/files
Then explicitly use the nexus-staging-maven-plugin to deploy your files as a single operation. The minimum required parameters are include below:
./mvn org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.4.7:deploy-staged-repository -DnexusUrl=http://localhost:8081/nexus -DserverId=dist-release -DrepositoryDirectory=/my/deployed/files -DstagingProfileId=132117103e8040aa
Use org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.4.7:help
to get more information as to what parameters can be passed to the staging plugin.