Nexus Repository 2 officially sunsetted June 30, 2025. Visit for archived documentation. Migrate to Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 as soon as possible.
The official npm tool maintainers' viewpoint is that deleting npm packages from a registry is not a recommended operation. The npm deprecate command is preferred, however, only Nexus Repository 3 supports the deprecate command.
We realize there may be an occasional need to delete an npm package in Nexus Repository 2 and this article outlines a workaround for the missing deprecate support in that version.
Removing A Specific npm Package Version
Instructions for deleting a specific npm package version in Nexus Repository 2 starting at version 2.11.3. Earlier versions are not supported.
- Make a backup of the files in package storage. When deleting, it will be moved to the<npm-hosted-repo-id>/.nexus/trash directory, but always worth having an extra backup.
- Delete the npm package (this will delete all versions of that package) using the following call:
curl -X DELETE -u xxx:yyy http://nexus:8081/nexus/content/repositories/<npm-hosted-repo-id>/<package-name>
- Copy/Move back the package from the trash.
cp -r sonatype-work/nexus/storage/<npm-hosted-repo-id>/.nexus/trash/<package-name> sonatype-work/nexus/storage/<npm-hosted-repo-id>/
- Remove the version you do not want to keep.
rm sonatype-work/nexus/storage/<npm-hosted-repo-id>/<npm-hosted-repo-id>/-/<npm-hosted-repo-id>-<version>.tgz
- Rebuild the npm database for repository <npm-hosted-repo-id> with the scheduled task named "Rebuild hosted npm Metadata".
- The following URL should now have correct metadata without the version that was deleted.
Removing All Versions of an npm Package
From Nexus Repository 2.11.3 onwards, you can remove all versions of a specific npm package with a single command.
To delete an npm package, use an HTTP delete command. An example using curl:
curl -u admin -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/npm-hosted-repo-id/packagename
This delete command moves all packages (tgz) files into the storage/npm-hosted-repo-id/.nexus/trash/packagename directory. It also updates the repository metadata of groups and the hosted repo to no longer reference anything about this package.